The Mediterranean or the Italian cuisines are consisting of the recopies, ingredients and the cooking techniques developed in the Italian peninsula and this is since the antiquity now this is spread worldwide with the waves of the Italian Diaspora .The italian food singapore does carry the same Diaspora which the old and traditional Italian food carries with all the ingredients and cooking techniques which are coming from the ages. The Italian cuisines are generally characterized with the simplicity and with many dishes having the two or four main ingredients and the Italian cooks rely chiefly on the quality of the ingredients and the rather than the elaborate preparation. The ingredients and the dishes vary from region to region.
Ingredients in the food:
The Italian cuisines have the great variety of the ingredients and which are commonly used are the fruits , vegetable s , meats , sauces in some place they may be fish or cod or baccarat with the potatoes , rice and corn some amount of the sausages and pork and more over different types of the cheese is the most common ingredient in the food , the food called pasta dish is with the use of the tomatoes and they are spread around the Italy and ingredient are always fresh and subtly spiced and also seasoned .
Main types:
There some kind stuffed pastas , polenta and the risotto which is considered to more popular in the Italian food and the Liguria ingredients which have several types of the fishes and seafood dishes with the basil , nuts and the olives oil are the most common . In some places the Liguria ingredients which will be included with the types of the fish and the seafood like dishes and the common ingredients are like ham , sausages and different sorts of the salamis and grand , truffles and tomatoes , ptarmigan region . The traditional Italian cosines which are the tomatoes and the all kinds of the meats, fish and the pecorino and the cheeses which is considered to be the most important in the Italian cosines. The pastas are traditionally served with the meat sauce and the tomatoes are cooked with the tomato sauce and the olives oils and the peepers sometimes oranges are also used for the capers with important for the local cuisines.
Summing up:
The Italian cuisines are generally characterized with the simplicity and with many dishes having the two or four main ingredients and the Italian cooks rely chiefly on the quality of the ingredients and the rather than the elaborate preparation. The ingredients and the dishes vary from region to region.